When Hagar Ran Away
There she was sitting next to a spring, probably thinking on how she got there. Remembering life, before her mistress, Sarai handed her over in marriage to Abram to have them a child. She did what most of us do when we are overwhelmed by life's circumstances, she ran. She needed to because her pain was so great and her bitterness toward Sarai was growing.
Hagar found her self in the open, by a spring, exhausted and thirsty. She gave up! It was then and there that she got confirmation from the Lord that sounded much like the lyrics to a Dave Mathews Band song, “Where were you...and where are you going?” We know her answer
I don’t think the question was for God to hear the answer because He knew already. It was for Hagar to see... all that God had done. Where trusting God led her in her life. Perhaps, even how far she'd come.
So, where was she? In a messy situation, a marriage with way too many people involved having everything to say about her future. She was overwhelmed at the thought of it, exhausted! But where was she going? Did she know? Nope. Just running. We all do this, some more than others (insert my name here).
Two words that can change the trajectory of our lives if we allow it. But God said “go back". If it were only that easy. Remember that God said, "Go back and be submissive to your mistress."
- What does it mean to you when you hear those words? "Say your name go back!"
- What part of your life are you running from?
- Ask God to reveal these answers to you.
Until next time... 💜Connie