"Tell them what they've won Bob, it's a new car!" Psalm 23:3

3. "He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

This is so amazing to me that God can take an old, beat down, anxious chassis like myself and not only restore my soul but to set me on the path of righteousness.

When you see a '65 mustang or corvette that looks as if they are brand new, don't think that it was just parked in the garage for the last forty six years. The car was worked on by someone with a craft and ability to transform the inside and outside of that car. They rebuild the engine, they replace all the insides of the car. Then they work on the body, removing any rust, filling any holes, and finally the paint job to make it look as good as new.

Like the person who restores vehicles, God restores our souls first. He comes in, once we let Him, and replaces our engine, removing any unforgiveness and bitterness. He then begins to remove the rust that has formed from old sin. He fills the holes that were left by things in our lives that were trying to make us happy. Then, once He is done cleasing our sin and restoring our souls, He will, bring out the paint to make us look as good as new, but His work is not yet finished.

He then takes his beautiful new creation (2 Cor 5:17), and leads us to the right path. He puts us on the road that leads to everlasting life. How cool is that? It is, however, up to us to stay on that path. There are many diversions or exits from that highway. We must pass the exits of all of our past sins, and new sins. We must travel over the speedbumps of difficult relationships. Of course sometimes we have to wait in traffic that doesn't seem to move at all, but if we stay on that path, it will lead to what is right.

Enjoy your new chassis if you have one, and if you are looking for a little restoration, give me a jingle, I happen to know someone who can do the job.

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