This is the time of year to say those words. You know, Thanksgiving. It's time to reflect on your life and recognize the gifts and blessings that have been given to you. This Thursday, most Americans will sit around a table with a feast before them proclaiming their thankfulness to the gifts in their lives. But what if life hasn't been such a blessing lately? I know so many people who are struggling right now. Even if we aren't struggling directly, the news and social media make it clear that many people are. So how do we celebrate Thanksgiving while we are struggling? Lately, I have been thinking differently. Of course, we are thankful for the lives that we have had in this crazy journey, but are we thankful for the loss? Sometimes things happen and the trajectory of our journey changes, whether it's by the choice of another or the fate of life, there is loss. Thanksgiving dinner may not look the same this year. There ma...